Senin, 18 April 2011

Aurora, Such An Amazing Phenomenon

Word can't to explain how beautiful this phenomenon is. Even though it only appeared in certain areas on certain time, it is still some phenomenon to expect. It really looks like some kind of magic, yet it's purely a natural phenomenon.

Alright, here's the description taken straight from wiki. An aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae) is a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth's magnetic field. An aurora is usually observed at night and typically occurs in the ionosphere. It is also referred to as a polar aurora or, collectively, as polar lights. These phenomena are commonly visible between 60 and 72 degrees north and south latitudes, which place them in a ring just within the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles. Auroras do occur deeper inside the polar regions, but these are infrequent and often invisible to the naked eye.

Just looking at the picture and I've already tremble from shock. It's just so beautiful, wonder what's my reaction is when it really is appear before me. Well personally, I'd like to see this phenomenon even just once, tho given the nature where it is appeared, I don't think I'll get the chance to do so. Man can always hope I guess. Anyway, enough of my two cents, just enjoy the rest of the photo

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

AFS, AFS.....

Ok, barusan kemaren gw daftar buat ikut tes seleksi AFS. FYI, AFS itu adalah semacam program pertukaran pelajar antra negara. Untungnya, sekolah gw adalah tempat pendaftaran AFS di kota Palembang (iya, cuma satu di tiap kota buat program yang berskala besar ini), jadi gw ga perlu pergi jaoh - jaoh ke sekolah laen buat daftar. Kesan pertama waktu daftar, RIBET BANGET. Banyak banget dokumen - dokumen yang perlu dilengkapin, dan karena berhubung saya sekarang tinggal diasrama, rada susah mau ngurusin tuh dokumen. Tapi akhrinya selese juga, walopun pelayanan waktu daftar SANGAT TIDAK MEMUASKAN. Masa kami harus nuggu 3 jam buat daftar, bukan, ini bukan nungguin yang laen daftar, tapi nungguin panitia pengurus pendaftaran datang, capek deh TwT. Jujur sih, gw pesimis banget, yah tapi dicoba dulu aja deh, kalo ga lulus ya udah, BLAME MY FATE....

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


It's been a while since I last post in this blog. Well, I've been very bussy lately because this last two week there's so many thing happened. Like drama festival last week. I don't know why but, sometimes I felt that all I do is repeating this entire cycle of learning and dormitory activities. Maybe that's just because I haven't had time to relax and playing the game or maybe there are some other factors behind it. All I know is that time will always move forward. No matter what you do you can't stop it even for a slight seconds. The world will go around, everyone else too, will always move. Don't want to sound cynical or philoshopicall but, that's what live is. I don't know why I was thinking about this nonsense but, that's what I think anyway. Maybe I was just tired and overthinking, well whatever.....

"We all are trapped in a maze of relationship, life's goes on with or without you"